Home > Articles by: Robbie Clark

Why all websites now require SSL certificates
What is an SSL Certificate? Without getting too technical, an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is used to create an encrypted link between your website and a web browser. Your web address will become https:// instead of http://. This secure link ensures that any...
How to get a great website with a limited budget
Need a website for your business, blog or organization but have a limited budget? DIY? There are some very well known companies that advertise the ability to build yourself a free website. Although these services appear to be free, you will find out that as soon as...
What to do when your domain name is already registered
How bad do you want it? You could try to contact the owner either directly or with the help of a domain name broker with the hope that they may be interested in selling. While a good domain name may be expensive to acquire, having a sub-standard domain could also make...